
  • Comply with the requirements of the quality management system and continuously improve its effectiveness with the participation of our employees
  • Create a high level of competitiveness by providing products that meet the needs and expectations of our customers at minimum cost, delivering them on time and in the desired quantities.
  • Enhance efficiency and spread quality awareness among all our employees by training the existing personnel.
  • Conduct a customer and process-oriented production that is open to continuous improvement in every process and environmentally friendly.
  • Ensure the elimination or minimization of OHS (Occupational Health and Safety) risks by taking preventive measures in advance.
  • Provide training to all employees to ensure they are aware of their individual OHS responsibilities
  • Ensure that all our systems and practices comply with current laws and regulations and continuously improve them.
  • Adopt OHS as a culture and a way of life by involving every level of the organization and our stakeholders in efforts to improve OHS practices.
  • Comply with legal and mandatory environmental requirement
  • Engage in efforts to collect and reduce waste at its source
  • Adopt and implement the principles of recycling, recovery, and reuse
  • Establish and continuously improve our Environmental Management System as part of creating a sustainable environment.
  • Provide awareness training on environmental consciousness to develop our employees.
Our "Quality is Experienced, Not Described" Philosophy In line with our philosophy that "Quality is Experienced, Not Described," every step of production undergoes rigorous quality processes in collaboration with our Laboratory and Quality Control departments.
Product Quality Processes:
1) Raw Material Control:Raw materials first undergo a series of tests in the laboratory, such as Density Determination, Oil Aniline Point Determination, etc. Once their compliance with reference values is confirmed, they are sent to the mixing preparation section
2) Mixing Control:The homogeneity, scorch values, vulcanization time, optimum curing time, minimum viscosity, and maximum torque (hardness) values of each batch of prepared dough mix are determined using a Rheometer. After confirming compliance with reference values, the batch is sent for trial production.
3) Performance Control:Samples obtained from the trial production are subjected to intensive performance tests in the laboratory (e.g., tensile strength, elongation at break, modulus/stress, permanent deformation, permanent elongation, ozone resistance, hardness, and density determinations). Once it is confirmed that the samples meet the required mechanical values, all parameters are stabilized, and mass production continues.
4) Final Control; Each finished batch goes through the final control stage (finishing, measurement control, etc.) and is packaged and sent to the product warehouse ready for shipment.
(Each batch that passes through the above production quality processes can be numbered and identified, ensuring retrospective traceability.)

You can contact us for your questions.

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