
Electronic Our solutions

Electric fence devices produced and installed within the scope of farm security equipment are made in this section. These devices are designed to be used easily both in agricultural and animal husbandry fields. These CE certified devices are in the agricultural field; While it does its job of protecting your cultivated areas against wild animals in the best possible way, it also protects your beehives from wild animals. At the same time, it prevents the animals on your farm from leaving the area you have determined and protects your animals in that area against wild animal attacks from outside. Your devices work easily with solar energy and the electricity you use on your farm. European standards were taken into consideration when producing the devices and they were designed not to harm humans and pets.

Çiftliğinizde olmasanız dahi bulunduğunuz yerden mobil uygulama ile çiftliğinizde işlerin yolunda gidip gitmediğini kontrol edebilir, takip edebilir, rapor alabilirsiniz. Bu kolaylığı kendi bünyemizde üretmiş olduğumuz, sağım sisteminde kullanılan elektrikten %30 tasarruf sağlamayı başaran farm asistant yönetim sistemi ile mümkün kılıyoruz. Endüstri 4.0 uygulanan sistemlerin çiftliklerde de kullanılabileceğini kanıtlayan Ayaz,  gelecekte endüstri 5.0 olan yapay zeka sistemlerini de çiftliklere uyarlamayı hedeflemektedir. Yeni teknolojilere ayak uydurarak sürekli inovasyon sağlamakta ve bu alanda yatırımlar yapmaya devam etmektedir.

Automatic washing systems developed for milking parlors, which we produce in-house as Ayaz, clean the stainless milk line, milking heads and milk hoses used in your milking system down to the smallest detail, preventing the formation of bacteria in your system. Air injector, dosing, detergent and acid dosing pumps, hot water control, washing timing are controlled and operated by an effective software system.

In addition, we ensure that you can milk your small and large animals without disturbing them by meeting the required pulse and pulsation rate with the electronic pulsator produced within Ayaz.


Our digital vacuum meters, which can produce a loud alarm sound designed to notify milkers of sudden vacuum drops and increases in a high-noise milking environment, allow you to constantly control your vacuum during milking.

Our electronic assembly department cooperates with the plastic and rubber department, production welding line and paint shop to support the production process. Most of the required materials are produced in-house and provided with Ayaz Kauçuk quality.

Ayaz Kauçuk, which always sees customer satisfaction as a priority, ensures the continuous performance of its products with the technical service it offers to its customers. Thanks to our expert team, we are always ready to answer your questions.

We Exist to Create Value: Beyond Your Expectations

In every production, we focus on contributing to society with the value we provide to our customers. As Ayaz Kauçuk, we aim to benefit not only our customers but also our wider community with our quality and solution-oriented approach.


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